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This is the monetary system that will save the world

Hello, I have an idea for a monetary system that will free us from the tyranny of the current system. It is a system based on investments and ownership and not on debt. I have written a description of it here:

Let me know what you think.

Investment Club

I would like to invite you to join our Investment Club. It is an internet community group.

Here, we discuss investment opportunities.

Everyone is the group is free to discuss and share their ideas.

It is completely free to join. You control all of your money.

You simply join the group, perhaps take part in the discussions, and then make investment decisions on your own.

Come and check it out.

Join here:

Smart Gamblers Club

I would like to invite you to join our Smart Gamblers Club. It is an internet community group.

Here, we discuss how to be a smart gambler. The key is to have proper money management and playing games smartly and responsibly.

We have an Investment Club to help you build up a sustainable gambling fund to use for your gaming.

Then, we discuss how to select the games and playing strategies.

Everyone in the group is free to discuss and share their ideas.

It is completely free to join.

You simply join the group, perhaps take part in the discussions, and then make your own decisions for your gaming.

Come and check it out.

Join here: